Rachael Buffett, Enlightenment, ceramic and lace, approximately 50”x 30” x 18”, 2015


Rachael Buffett is an interdisciplinary artist investigating her relationships with society, others, and self. Her recent works are an expression of her feminine, queer, and neurodivergent identity and their interactions with the outside world thru the lens of the feminine pest. Often these works play with the reversal of expectations: what is soft becomes hard, what is hidden is seen.

Buffett graduated cum laude with her BFA in Studio Art and a Certificate in Honors from the University of New Mexico in 2023. She has exhibited her work in solo, juried, and group exhibitions in New Mexico, Texas, and Missouri. She has also been published in several university-affiliated publications, notably in Chamisa: A Journal of Literary, Performance, and Visual Arts of the Greater Southwest.